And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Timothy 4:18"

The opening scripture is good declaration as well as a prayer which can only be made by a determined Christian in the work of the ministry. 

Apostle Paul was a man of faith who exhibited all the gifts of the Spirit. In life, we must come to the conclusion that there is evil work being perpetrated by the enemy and there are good works being done by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through us. 
Evil will surely bow before good; that is how the LORD made it: it is a spiritual law that cannot be broken, Romans 12:21. Therefore, as a child of God, always position yourself to do good works and pray that you are delivered from evil machinations from the enemy called Satan. 
The kingdom of God needs you alive to impact the world with the glory of God. 