By mamatina on Monday, 26 August 2024
Category: default


And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3"

One of the best moments of every child of God is the day he or she became born again.

 It is a day when your heart is glad and rejoices because you are saved by Jesus Christ for eternal life so that you can have fellowship with the Father and be called a child of God. 
During the course of your relationship with God, you will go through tribulations. 
There are many of them, and they are unique to every child of God; it is a training that God gives His children so that they can be empowered to endure the difficult times in life. 
Find a way to rejoice in the midst of the tribulations because of what they will produce in you.
 They will produce patience, experience, and hope in you.
 Patience, experience, and hope will then defeat all forms of shame in your life, and you will be a better person for God to use to bless the rest of the world.
 Praise the Lord!