By mamatina on Thursday, 01 August 2024
Category: default


He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. Psalm 91:15"

One of the good things that the children of God enjoy when they become born again is that God is ready at all times to listen to them. 

This is not so if you are an unbeliever in the world, because the unbeliever is not a child of God and does not have any kind of relationship with the Father. 
When the child of God prays and fellowships with the Father, God answers him; if he is going through any trial or trouble, God gives him the grace to overcome that situation. 
In this way, God is available at all times to attend to His children; He becomes our deliverer, honors us, gives us long life, and shows us His salvation. What a wonderful God we serve! This should entice those who are not born again to become born again. 
Of course, they need to be informed first, and that is why the children of God should not keep the gospel to themselves but instead let the unbelievers know what they are missing so that they, too, can become children of God.
Praise the Lord!