By mamatina on Tuesday, 09 July 2024
Category: default


"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11"

Our heavenly Father has a very good plan for us, and this is demonstrated by His thoughts toward us. He is a God who knows what He is about; in fact, He is the master planner. 
Whatever we are going through as believers in Christ Jesus is part of the master plan of our Father. The expected end in our opening scripture is called the master plan, and the expected end is for us to enjoy continual peace and prosperity.
 If God's thoughts concerning us are peace and not evil, then what are our thoughts toward God and our brethren? Our thoughts toward our heavenly Father should be that of peace and not complaining and murmuring. Our plans for God should also be to always please Him.
 Our thoughts toward our brethren should promote peace and love so that the work of God and our Lord Jesus Christ is done without any hindrances. Dear beloved, are you convinced of God's plan for you?