By mamatina on Friday, 05 July 2024
Category: default


"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8"

The Lord is God, and by His very nature, He wants first place in our lives. Whatever continually occupies your mind is your "god." The psalmist placed the Lord first in his life, and his mind was always occupied with God. As a result, the Lord was also close to him and established him. 
The psalmist became unmovable and unshakable. The same thing will happen to us as believers if we also continually place our Lord Jesus Christ first in our lives. It all starts by thinking of our Lord always. 
As we do this, the power of the Holy Spirit will work on our hearts to establish us in the world, both within us and on the outside. Just like the psalmist, we can make the Lord Jesus our best friend-a friend who will always be at our right hand.
 Dear beloved, how close is Jesus Christ to you, and how close are you to Jesus Christ?