By mamatina on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Category: default


And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21"

The true story about Jesus Christ of Nazareth is one of a kind, and it cannot be put under a rug but rather ought to be celebrated forever. Never before or after has a virgin become pregnant, but it happened to Mary. Joseph, her betrothed husband, could not comprehend it and had wanted to divorce her privately.
 However, the angel convinced him in a dream not to be afraid or worried, and he accepted her as his betroth wife. Jesus Christ was born, and He accomplished God's purpose by saving mankind from their sins. This is a very good example of how God wants to work with His children to accomplish His will on Earth. 
Joseph and Mary availed themselves to God and must be very happy now in heaven to have been given such an honor. He is the only one born by a virgin, whose name is so powerful to save the lost and provide answers to desperate situations.